Dear Diary, |
My parents always warn me about stranger danger. I know the threats of kidnapping from the media and many news outlets/ AMBER alerts. Sometimes I feel like I am losing my childhood because of this. It almost makes me paranoid to even go out into the world in order to protect my innocence. Recently, within our city, a girl named Pamela Butler was found. It is a story well known around the small town of Grain Valley. Pamela, a young girl of 10, was out roller-blading with her sister when a stranger picked her up and threw her in his truck. Her body was found 3 days later buried beneath sticks behind a church in Grain Valley. Luckily the man was apprehended. It's threats like these that the media seems to escalate and instill fear in the hearts of parents and children to the point they are afraid to even go outside their homes. I have heard that this kidnapping actually occurs more often within the homes and from family members/ friends. I wish the world wasn't this way and that there wasn't so much evil... A song I listen to a lot really makes sense of this fear and how sad it is for children who need to experience the world. It is called Calling All Angels by Train.
When children have to play inside so they don't disappear,
While private eyes solve marriage lies cause we don't talk for years,
And football teams are kissing Queens
and losing sight of having dreams,
In a world that what we want is only what we want until it's ours...
And I'm calling all angels
I'm calling all you angels